Hi, my name is Jin Leibman Guan. Welcome to my page of Jin Guan Photography. I hope you enjoy this. This is a community where we can share our ideas. I am in my second year as a photography major in SCCC and i have had the greatest experience in this college. I've had some of the best professors who look out for the students and help them on whatever work they need. I started getting into photography when I went to a family function and my Uncle Santo showed me his camera and said feel free to take pictures. After my first camera experience, I knew i wanted to go into photography. Uncle Santo had believed in me because he knew i would have an eye for photography. I would like to pursue a sports photography career, but I would really like to explore my options for photography. I would really love to thank Uncle Santo for giving me the opportunity of picking my career path.
This is my best friend in the whole world. she usually helps me through my ups and downs and i do the same for her. This was one of the lighting assignments I did. As you can tell she looks confused and oriented but i told her to pos like that. she's my best friend in the world and agreed to do this assignment for me. When you meet her in person she's the sweetest and most caring person. Me and her have been friends since second grade and surprisingly she still wants to be my friend. We will always have each other backs.
So i took this picture at Aeolian Park and i saw a road that inspired me to post this picture because as they say in the quote ''Not everyone will understand your journey and thats okay, its not their journey so they don't have to understand it, it's yours.''-unknown
I love this quote because i think it has deep meaning really because everyone who you meet won't understand your journey. I had a similar experience when i was meeting new people and i have to tell them oh i just can't go to your house i need to fill out papers / background checks. some people are understanding to it and some are not because there trying to fill your shoes but its not easy being a teenager and in foster care.
I actually loved this picture because it shows waves. that the fact that there is a seagull coming down in mid-air which pretty awesome. Every time I think of waves and oceans it reminds me of a good christian song "Oceans by Hillsong''
and their is a lyric in there where it goes ''Spirit lead me to where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon these waters. Wherever you may call me. Take me deeper where my feet may wonder and my faith may wonder stronger''.
Love this song and picture I had taken.
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