I actually love this picture this one is my favorite because it's showing strength and fighter. Just like in the song ''Fight Song'': This is my fight song, take back my life song, proof them all wrong song because i still got a lot of fight left in me. I love this one because its the best photo I think that shows about a woman strength and all the woman who fought for rights. Plus my friend wanted to be my model which is amazing the way she did that. We got to prove to people that love is better with strength. And love will win and the light will show and we will be equal with kindness. This would have to be my favorite when all nations came together as one and we are loved all that. I loved the flags and it reminds me that our nation is one with each other which is so cool. This is definitely my favorite one ever because no one would expect that which to me that would be cool if we as a nation could come together we could be unstoppable.