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Showing posts from October, 2017

Taekwondo Friendship

Team work is the best part of life. Love and beauty will concure.

Taekwondo #2

These three kids are my students from Taekwondo. And I'm glad they let me shoot them for my white on white assignment. For that assignment  I had to use small packs in order to let them work. at first we had trouble using the camera but it worked so yeah ;) I loved the fact they didn't let me down they helped me with this assignment which is great. i used three lights in order to get these perfect picture which is awesome. i love the fact to that they didn't complain either. i love them they are so cute and adorable at first they were hesitant and they finally got through to them in working in the studio :) Taekwondo isn't just about kicking and punching its mostly about flexibility and endurance. i love this picture because it has something do with the fact that kids can bounce back quickly which is awesome. Taekwondo is just awesome its hard work to get your black belt and the strength and endurance with how hard you train.

Jim Lennon Studio Reaction

       My reaction really toward s the studio is I thought it was big and too much money but that is defiantly not stop me from what i love to do. Jim seemed nice and he definitely looks like his doing a good living which to me is pretty much good for what he does. He makes so much money out of this and he works hard for a living and loves what he does. He's a cool person to have us in the studio. My favorite experience i think would have to be is the kitchen because i thought it was an original kitchen but it wasn't it was an actually used for props which is pretty cool. I love everything that has happened and I hope that i get to experience more of this which is just awesome. When i get older i will get more experience and live a life doing this until I'm  tired of doing this. I think this will possibly be my career and if anything changes I will hope that i can also get into Taekwondo business which to me that be cool.


I actually love this picture this one is my favorite because it's showing strength and fighter. Just like in the song ''Fight Song'': This is my fight song, take back my life song, proof them all wrong song because i still got a lot of fight left in me. I love this one because its the best photo I think that shows about a woman strength and all the woman who fought for rights. Plus my friend wanted to be my model which is amazing the way she did that. We got to prove to people that love is better with strength. And love will win and the light will show and we will be equal with kindness. This would have to be my favorite when all nations came together as one and we are loved all that. I loved the flags and it reminds me that our nation is one with each other which is so cool. This is definitely my favorite one ever because no one would expect that which to me that would be cool if we as a nation could come together we could be unstoppable.


Family is very important to me. I love family its the best thing in the world just to have a stable home and not get bounced back and forth. With my story I've been moved around 4x and its been very difficult the way life has put me through. With growing up with an abusive dad and learning that I had to be taken away from the house and learning that I won't be going back was totally tuff. I seriously think i wouldn't have survived without Demi Lovato. Demi Lovato totally is my idol and i worship her like she's my goddess. Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. I am grateful i finally found someone in my life that i could call family. i was adopted at the age of nineteen and its been the greatest thing in my life. I call it the got you day which is beautiful. My family truly loves me and I'm in a safe and beautiful home no sibling which is awesome. Family is not just blood. DNA doesn't make a family love does. Love is the beauty...


This is my dog named Molly Leibman and she is my life and I love her like she was my own daughter but she's my sister even though she's in dog form. Molly is cool and she is beautiful soul and I loved everything about her she is the coolest person ever. Molly recently passed away and thats probably why its been tuff and  all I have is the memories and pictures. This is a picture in Selden that i took at Ralphs of course and I loved it because its a melted ice on the sign no matter how hot/cold it is its just awesome to have this melted ice always. I love there ice this is the coolest thing ever and all the pictures are overall cool.


This is a picture that I had taken this summer and  just love this photo because its blurry in the background but you could definitely see the detail of the flower and in the butterfly. I just don't have words for this because this is just awesome in a way. :) I love butterflies and they are just awesome. They are true meanings of life and all that which is just perfect really. I wish that life would just not judge anyone because we seem to judge everyone by the color or background which is not right we all should be ashamed of ourselves for doing that. Here is a picture and an action shot of me doing Taekwondo at the Dix hills park. In this move i am doing second degree form. i am third degree black belt in Taekwondo which is pretty cool. I will tell you without Taekwondo I wouldn't be here because its my life I breathe, sleep and eat Taekwondo. It's my life i've been doing Taekwondo since i was three and I'm twenty one and still doing it. Which you don't ...